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63.017 ~ 1377 ~ Anania lancealis ~ Long-winged Pearl
UK Status

Resident. Widespread but local in England south of Yorkshire and Wales.

Montgomeryshire Status

Recorded from a handful of sites in the far west of the county.

Wingspan :   M & F, 30-34mm.

Confusion species

Flight time & Voltinity (Univoltine)


Open marshy woodland.


Hemp agrimony, wood sage, woundwort and common ragwort.

Lifestage data

Spinning. Eggs laid on foodplant. Larva spins the margins of a leaf downwards and lives within, feeding on leaves, flowers and seed-heads. Pupates in a silken cocoon on foodplant.
Montgomeryshire photos

Photo by PRW, 2nd June 2010, Commins Coch